A 13-year-old's coming out to his “best bro” has gone viral on social media.

The teenager's older sister shared on Twitter a text message conversation between her brother and his best friend.

“This convo between my brother and his best friend just warms my heart so much,” she messaged. “And they're only 13.”

“I need to tell you something im really upset,” the teen wrote.

“What is it”

“I like boys,” he answered. “this is so embarassing for me to say but that's my secret and I was so scared of telling because your my best friend bro and I don't want you to think im weird and just leave or anything.”

“Bro we hav been friends for 3 years and im glad you told me this,” the best bro replied. “Who the fuck cares what people are going to say? Youre awesome no matter what bro and im happy that your my best friend. Dont be ashamed theres nothing to be embarrassed about. As a bro im gonna stick by you. Aint nothing wrong with being gay my friend.”

The sister's tweet has been retweeted nearly 37,000 times and favorited by more than 57,000 people.