Amar'e Stoudemire Fined $50,000 For Anti-Gay Tweet
- By
- On Top Magazine Staff
- | June 27, 2012

Amar'e Stoudemire has been fined $50,000 by the NBA for hurling an anti-gay slur at a fan on Twitter.
Calling Stoudemire's language offensive and derogatory, Stu Jackson, the NBA's executive vice president of basketball operations, announced the fine in a statement released on Tuesday.
Stoudemire, who plays as a power forward and center for the New York Knicks, fired back at a follower who criticized the Knicks' record.
After Stoudemire tweeted that he had just finished an off-season workout, @Bferrelli, identified by The New York Daily News as Brian Ferrelli, messaged: “@Amareisreal you better come back a lot stronger and quicker to make up for this past season mannnnnn deadasss!!!”
“Fuck you. I don't have to do anything fag,” Ferrelli claimed Stoudemire, 29, wrote in a direct message.
“Just got a DM from @Amareisreal after I told him to step his shit up so the Knicks will get further next season..pussy,” Ferrelli messaged along with a link to a photo of Stoudemire's message.
Stoudemire apologized in a second direct message to the fan.
“I apologize for what I said earlier. I just got off a plane and had time to think about. Sorry bro!! No Excuses. Won't happen again,” Stoudemire messaged.
The player added in a statement: “I am a huge supporter of civil rights for all people. I am disappointed in myself for my statement to a fan. I should have known better and there is no excuse.”
Last year, the NBA fined Joakim Noah $50,000 and Kobe Bryant $100,000 for using similar language.