Georgia Lawmakers Okay Anti-Gay Bill
- By
- Carlos Santoscoy
- | March 17, 2016
Georgia lawmakers on Wednesday approved a bill that critics say would allow businesses to discriminate against the LGBT community, sending it to Governor Nathan Deal for his signature or veto.
Legislative leaders scheduled a surprise vote for House Bill 757, which cleared the House with a 104-65 vote, followed by a 37-18 vote in the Senate.
Changes in the Senate and House broadened the scope of the bill from protecting clergy from being forced to marry gay and lesbian couples to allowing religiously affiliated organizations to refuse services to gay couples.
The final bill adopted Wednesday replaced direct references to same-sex marriages with allowing religious groups to deny services “that violate such faith-based organization's sincerely held religious beliefs.”
Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), said that the changes “make an egregious and discriminatory bill even worse” and called on Governor Deal, a Republican, to veto the proposal.
“It's appalling that anti-equality extremists in the legislature are trying to ignore the will of the people of Georgia, and to empower businesses with the explicit right to discriminate and deny services to LGBT Americans,” he said.
Last week, Deal broke his silence on the bill and called for a compromise that would protect religious beliefs without discriminating.
“We do not have a belief in my way of looking at religion that says we have to discriminate against anybody,” Deal said.
A coalition of hundreds of companies have spoken out against the measure, including Salesforce, whose president, Marc Benioff, has suggested that he may pull a digital marketing conference out of Georgia over the bill.
(Related: Marc Benioff suggests moving conference out of Georgia over anti-gay bill.)