A day after Charlotte City Council voted against considering a proposal to repeal its LGBT protections ordinance, North Carolina leaders said that repeal was necessary for the state to alter its controversial law.

House Speaker Tim Moore said this week that he and other Republican leaders are willing to alter some parts of House Bill 2. But he added that Charlotte must first act.

The law was a knee jerk reaction to Charlotte's ordinance. It blocks cities from enacting such measures and prohibits transgender people from using the bathroom of their choice in government buildings, including schools.

“I do think very frankly if Charlotte gets rid of the ordinance … it gives us the opportunity to look at some of those tweaks we've talked about making,” Moore said. “For any conversation to happen, Charlotte needs to take a look at what it did and it needs to be the first to make any movement before there's any conversation.”

The law's bathroom provision, Moore said, was “non-negotiable.”

On Monday, Charlotte leaders voted against considering a proposal that would repeal the city's ordinance.

Mayor Jennifer Roberts tweeted before the vote: “We cannot compromise on basic human rights. Any repeal of LGBT protections is bad for business, bad for Charlotte's future.”

According to a report by the Charlotte Chamber, Mecklenburg County, which includes Charlotte, has suffered a $285 million economic blow and a loss of as many as 1,300 jobs as a result of House Bill 2. The chamber backs repeal of the city's LGBT protections.