Texas Republicans Introduce Transgender 'Bathroom Bill'
- By
- Carlos Santoscoy
- | January 06, 2017
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and state Senator Lois Kolkhorst on Thursday introduced a bill that targets the transgender community.
Titled the “Privacy Protection Act,” Senate Bill 6 bars transgender people from using the bathroom of their choice in many buildings, blocks local non-discrimination ordinances that protect transgender people in public accommodations, and prohibits local municipalities from considering such protections when awarding contracts.
The proposal – and others introduced in the past week – are similar to a North Carolina law that created a major backlash which led to boycotts, lost jobs and lost state revenues estimated in the billions of dollars.
Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest LGBT rights advocate, criticized the move.
“Dan Patrick’s attack on transgender Texans is a dangerous, politically-motivated assault on the rights of his own constituents,” said Griffin. “Patrick and his anti-LGBTQ friends in the legislature have clearly learned nothing from the self-inflicted damage caused by North Carolina’s discriminatory HB2 law and want to throw away $8.5 billion in revenue from lost visitors, businesses, sports leagues and major entertainment groups. If lawmakers vote to discriminate against transgender people, Texas will be closed for business.”
Republicans in at least five other states, including Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia and Missouri, have introduced similar bills in the past week.
(Related: Virginia Republican introduces transgender “bathroom bill.”)