Betsy DeVos Calls Revoked Transgender Protections Example Of Obama 'Overreach'
- By
- Carlos Santoscoy
- | February 24, 2017

Newly confirmed Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on Thursday defended the Trump administration's decision to revoke Obama-era transgender student protections.
The guidance from the Education Department instructed public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.
(Related: Trump rescinds Obama-era guidance on transgender students.)
Appearing at the conservative conference CPAC, DeVos called the protections an “overreach” of the Obama administration.
“This issue was a very huge example of the Obama administration's overreach, to suggest one-size-fits-all, federal government approach,” DeVos.
She added that she wants to protect students “to the fullest extent we can” and “to provide students, parents and teachers with more flexibility around how education is delivered.”
DeVos reportedly was initially opposed to rescinding the guidance.