Chelsea Handler Faces Backlash Over Coming Out Tweet About Lindsey Graham
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- On Top Magazine Staff
- | January 12, 2018
Talk show host Chelsea Handler is facing backlash over a tweet in which she suggested that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, is a closeted gay man.
The 42-year-old Handler made the suggestion in a tweet in which she referred to President Donald Trump's bipartisan immigration meeting with legislators on Tuesday.
“Holy, fuck fuck. I just the video of trumps bipartisan 'meeting' yesterday,” she tweted. “Hey, @LindseyGrahamSC what kind of dick sucking video do they have on you for you 2 be acting like this? Wouldn’t coming out be more honorable?”
The 62-year-old bachelor has been denying gay rumors for years. In 2010, he told the New York Times: “Like maybe I'm having a clandestine affair with Ricky Martin. I know it's really gonna upset a lot of gay men – I'm sure hundreds of 'em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate bridge – but I ain't available. I ain't gay. Sorry.”
While Handler's tweet received more than 24,000 likes, many commenters called her joke offensive.
“Apparently homophobic slurs are ok as long as they're against a Republican,” wrote Harry Khachatiran (@Harry1T6).
Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) added: “Using homosexuality as a sick burn is so woke.”
Chris Barron, an openly gay Republican, suggested there was a double standard at play.
“Just reported this explicitly anti-gay tweet,” he messaged. “Odds on twitter doing something? Less than zero. If a conservative said this they would be suspended immediately.”