Hawaii House Approves 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Ban
- By
- Carlos Santoscoy
- | April 11, 2018

The Hawaii House on Monday approved a bill that seeks to ban therapies that attempt to alter the sexual orientation or gender identity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
Such therapies go by names such as “conversion therapy,” “reparative therapy” or “ex-gay therapy.
According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest LGBT rights advocate, several amendments were added to the bill in the House, sending it to conference committee to be reconciled with the version approved last month in the Senate.
“So-called ‘conversion therapy’ is nothing short of child abuse with life-threatening consequences for countless LGBTQ youth,” HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof said in a statement. “It is time Hawaii join the growing number of states who are enacting laws to protect LGBTQ youth from this dangerous and discredited practice. We urge state legislators to swiftly advance SB 270 through conference committee with the strongest, timely protections intact and send it to Governor Ige’s desk.”
Similar legislation has been enacted in Maryland, Washington, Connecticut, California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, New Mexico and the District of Columbia. An increasing number of local municipalities have also enacted similar protections, particularly in Florida. Late last month, Milwaukee became the first municipality in Wisconsin to enact such a ban.