As the debate over gay marriage in North Carolina enters its final weeks, Governor Beverly Perdue is speaking out against Amendment One.

Voters will decide on the proposed constitutional amendment during North Carolina's May 8 primary. Amendment One would bar the state from recognizing the relationships of gay and lesbian couples with marriage, civil unions and possibly domestic partnerships.

In a video released Wednesday by Protect All North Carolina Families, the coalition working to defeat the measure, Perdue is shown speaking out against the measure at various venues.

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“From my perspective as the governor of this state, I think Amendment One is discriminatory, I think it adds discrimination to the constitution. Constitutions are [to] guarantee rights, not take rights away. I fundamentally think that argument is flawed. And I hope people in the state vote against it. I'm going to vote against it,” Perdue is seen telling a reporter in the video. (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

(Related: North Carolina marriage ban lead cut in half over 6 months.)