While promoting the return of the soap One Life To Live, actor Tuc Watkins on Friday came out gay.

The 46-year-old actor is best know for his roles playing David Vickers on One Life To Live and Bob Hunter on the ABC nighttime soap Desperate Housewives.

During on appearance on MARIE, the new syndicated talk show hosted by Marie Osmond, Watkins said his Desperate Housewives character paralleled his own life in several ways.

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“I played a gay man who was married to his husband, who was trying to adopt a kid,” Watkins said. “And in real life, at this same time, I'm a gay single man who was trying to have a kid through surrogacy. So, life and art were imitating each other.”

“Did you get the idea from playing that character?” Osmond asked.

“No, I did not get the idea to have kids from playing a character on TV.”

“But I mean, did it stimulate the idea? Or the concept of it?”

“The idea was already there,” Watkins answered. “When I was young, I knew three things. I knew I was gay. I knew one day I was going to be a dad. And I knew that Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory was going to be the best movie of all time. So far, I've been right about all three.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)