Shortly after 11 PM on Tuesday, Christine Quinn conceded defeat in
her bid to become New York City's first female and first openly gay
The former front-runner came in a distant third place in the
polls. With her wife Kim Catullo by her side, Quinn thanked her
“I want to congratulate my opponents Bill Thompson and Bill de
Blasio on a hard-earned victory,” Quinn told supporters who had
gathered at the Dream Hotel in Chelsea.
“This was a hard-fought race. We took a lot of knocks. We were
up against a lot of odds. But I am proud of the race we all ran.
There's a young girl out there who was inspired by the thought of New
York's first woman mayor and said to herself, 'You know what? I can
do that.'”
Surprisingly, de Blasio did better than Quinn with gay and female
voters. According to The New York Times, Quinn received 39
percent of the gay vote and 19 percent of the female vote, while de
Blasio received 45 percent of the gay vote and 39 percent of the
female vote.
In a final tweet, her campaign messaged a photo of Quinn and
Catullo holding hands with the caption “Thank you.”