Coca-Cola on Sunday premiered an ad featuring diverse families, including a gay family.

The 1-minute ad, titled It's Beautiful, debuted during the second quarter of Super Bowl XLVIII.

According to GLAAD, this is the first Super Bowl commercial to feature a gay family.

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In the ad, two dads are seen roller-skating with their daughter.

“Including a gay family in this ad is not only a step forward for the advertising industry, but a reflection of the growing majority of Americans from all walks of life who proudly support their LGBT friends, family and neighbors as integral parts of 'America the Beautiful,'” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. “Coca-Cola has demonstrated to corporate America that being LGBT-inclusive is good business, but as the world turns its attention to Sochi for the 2014 Winter Olympics, it's time for sponsors of the Olympics like Coca-Cola to show the whole world how beautiful LGBT families are.”

One of the dads speaks out in a behind-the-scenes video.

“It's been very hard for my family when it comes to the gay issue and it's what's caused us so much pain over all these years,” he said, wiping away a tear. “Today, I see people asking us to hold hands, people embracing us as a family and respecting us.”