Televangelist Pat Robertson told a
father that his gay son's plan to adopt a child with his husband was
Robertson, an ardent opponent of gay
rights, gave the advice during The 700 Club's Bring It On-Line
segment, in which he answers viewers' questions.
“My son recently got married to
another man, and now he and his husband are trying to adopt a child,”
a viewer named Jacob wrote. “I feel like this would be unfair for
the child. What should I do?”
Robertson advised the father to speak
out against the adoption and pray.
“I think you ought to pray about it
and I think you ought to speak out about it,” Robertson answered.
“If you sincerely feel, as I do, that this is wrong … it's
violating the Scripture and they need to know it. This so-called
lifestyle is … I just can't believe that they have tried to destroy
marriage. And marriage is between a man and a woman.”
“So what should you do? Well, you
better get down on your knees and pray and let the Lord take care of
it, because [there is nothing] else you can do,” he