Houston, Jacksonville and El Paso are among America's big cities to score poorly on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) fourth annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI), which measures a city's support for LGBT rights.

In releasing its report last week, HRC touted the increasing number of cities with a perfect score, up from 11 cities in 2012 to 47 this year.

(Related: 47 cities earn top scores on HRC's LGBT equality index, including Detroit, Las Vegas.)

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Many big cities, however, continue to receive poor scores.

According to the MEI, the 10 least gay-friendly big cities in the United Stare are: Wichita, Kansas (MEI score 21), Jacksonville, Florida (36), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (29), Virginia Beach, Virginia (31), Tulsa, Oklahoma (35), Houston, Texas (48), Mesa, Arizona (50), El Paso, Texas, (51), Memphis, Tennessee (56) and Fresno, California (57).

(h/t Towleroad.com.)