Brian Brown, president of the National
Organization for Marriage (NOM), this week attacked Ohio Governor
John Kasich's opposition to marriage equality.
While the GOP presidential candidate
last week won Ohio, he cannot win a majority of delegate prior to the
Republican convention, which will take place in Cleveland.
Brown, whose organization has endorsed
the presidential ambitions of Ted Cruz, pleaded with supporters for
money to go after Kasich, whom Brown described as a spoiler.
“Since he cannot win the race
outright, what is Kasich trying to accomplish?” Brown
rhetorically asked. “Well, he apparently thinks that by
finishing fourth (he trails Rubio in delegates) the GOP power brokers
will hand him the Republican nomination if either Trump or Cruz
themselves do not have a majority of delegates. Imagine that – the
fourth place candidate thinks he is entitled to the Republican
“Failing that, Kasich also presumably
figures that his delegates give him bargaining power to cut a deal
with either Cruz or Trump in exchange for something for himself.
Whether he's angling to be the vice presidential pick or play some
other role in a GOP administration is not known.”
“If you liked John Boehner, you'll
like John Kasich – lot's [sic] of talk but no guts to actually
fight for conservative principles like preserving marriage. … That
is why NOM is committed to ensuring that the American people learn
the truth about Kasich and make him toxic as a potential vice
presidential pick.”
Brown went on to claim that a Kasich
administration would not protect opponents of marriage equality.
“Here's a classic example of what
we'd get with John Kasich: he says that he personally believes in
traditional marriage and that he didn't agree with the Supreme
Court's decision to redefine marriage, but since then he says 'he's
moved on,' that it's time to for the nation to accept it and that he
had a great time attending a gay 'wedding' himself. And Kasich
believes that someone who does not want to be involved in providing
services to a same-sex 'wedding' should be forced to do so against
their religious beliefs if they want to be in business. 'We're not
going to allow discrimination,' he promised,” Brown said.
However, during a recent GOP debate,
Kasich said the opposite: “At the end of the day, if somebody is
being pressured to participate in something that is against their
deeply-held religious beliefs, then we're going to have to think
about dealing with a law.”
“John Kasich would do nothing to help
… anyone … who is forced to give up their constitutional rights
when it comes to gay 'marriage,'” Brown added, before asking for a