In response to an On Top story which highlighted Greg Louganis' admiration for diver Matthew Mitcham, Mitcham revealed that Louganis was his idol.

In Thursday's story titled Greg Louganis Credits Matthew Mitcham for Record Out LGBT Athletes Competing in Rio, On Top quoted Louganis' thoughts on the subject during an interview from Rio with gay glossy The Advocate.

“I really kind of tip my hat to Matthew Mitcham, because he really started the whole thing and he was still competing,” Louganis said. “And the way that he explained it was he felt he couldn't compete on that high a level only sharing a part of himself. And I admire that so much.”

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Mitcham, who came out just before competing in the 2008 Olympics, tweeted: “It helped that my idol was gay @greglouganis RT @OnTopMag: Louganis Credits MM for Record Out #LGBT Athletes In #Rio.”

“Love and admire you Matthew! Hugs!” Louganis messaged in response.