Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and his wife Angela on Thursday met with the family of a transgender boy at their home.

Adam and Amber Briggle invited the Paxtons to their Denton home for dinner in May. Paxton accepted the invitation last week.

Paxton has been outspoken in his opposition to federal guidance calling on schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. As attorney general, Paxton is heading two lawsuits challenging the federal government on transgender rights.

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Amber Briggle told ABC affiliate WFAA that she invited Paxton to her home to “show the attorney general that we're a normal family.”

The Briggles say that their eight-year-old son MG has identified as a boy since the age of two.

“We were very honored that he even took the time to meet with us,” Amber said. “I think it shows that he's willing to listen.”

The dinner, which included beef kebabs and blueberry cobbler, lasted about two hours.

“I said we're really concerned as his parents that the litigation and the policies you're putting forth are going to harm [MG] and hurt him,” Amber said. “And I looked Mrs. Paxton in the eye and I said, 'I'm really concerned that it's going to affect how he's performing in school.'"