New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley on Tuesday announced his bid for chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

According to, Buckley announced his candidacy in an email.

“I'm in!” he wrote. “I am a candidate for Chair of the Democratic National Committee. I look forward to a robust discussion with you on the future of the Democratic Party and I ask for and hope to earn your support.”

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Current candidates for the post include South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison, outgoing Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown and Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison. Perez and Ellison are considered the leading candidates.

“Make no mistake, if I am elected chair there will be radical reform of how the DNC operates,” Buckley wrote. “The DNC will be a team effort unlike what we have seen for many years. Every voice should be respected, every face reflected in the Democratic Party. The party cannot just be about winning the White House.”

If elected, Buckley, 57, would be the first openly gay person to chair a national party. A vote is expected in February.