Taiwan's constitutional court ruled Wednesday that limiting marriage to heterosexual couples violates the island nation's constitution.

The court gave parliament, known as the Legislative Yuan, two years to amend or enact a law that allows gay and lesbian couples to marry. The groundbreaking ruling is a first for Asia.

According to several reports, two justices dissented and one recused himself, saying that his wife supported the cause of marriage equality, effectively delivering an 11-2 ruling.

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After years of refusing to take up the issue, the court listened to arguments in March.

“We feel that this is a huge success for the LGBT and marriage equality movement in Taiwan,” Wayne Lin, an LGBT activist, told CNN. We want to amend the Civil Code so same-sex couples can get married. … Our target is to complete this whole process within this year.”

President Tsai Ing-wen supports marriage equality and several polls indicate that a majority of Taiwanese do, as well. A marriage bill introduced last year stalled.