In a recent interview with BuzzFeed
News, author-activist Armistead Maupin says that coming out improved
his life.
Maupin, who is currently promoting his
tell-all memoir Logical Family, grew up attempting to please
his white supremacist father and worked for Jessie Helms, a North
Carolina politician known for his opposition to gay rights.
After landing in San Francisco, Maupin
came out.
“I discovered the big lie that had
been told to me about sex. That lie being 'suck a dick, go to hell.'
That was so obviously wrong the minute I did it because I was
thoroughly in heaven,” he said with a laugh. “It was just a huge
relief to realize that all this nonsense, all this fear about being
this thing, was for nothing.”
“Everything great in my life happened
after I came out and wrote about it. I vowed to tell stories that
would promote that idea,” he said.
In his memoir, Maupin lampoons
Trump-supporting relatives.
“I'm not talking to members of my
family who voted for him,” Maupin
said. “I have nothing but contempt for anyone who makes an
argument for that guy. We have a president who is rapidly
dismantling the rights of trans people, insulting them to their face
for having served their country. I don't think he believes in
anything except himself.”