Former Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank said in an interview this week that he's “worried” about LGBT rights under the Trump administration.

Frank has the distinction of being the first openly gay member of Congress and the first to enter a marriage with a member of the same sex. He married Jim Ready in 2012. He left Congress in 2013 after a decades long and distinguished political career.

Speaking with Michelangelo Signorile on his SiriusXM radio program, Frank discussed LGBT rights under the presidency of Donald Trump.

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“I am worried,” he said.

“They're smart enough once again to know that an all-out assault on our rights wouldn't work. Reality has beaten bigotry. Everything they said was going to cause disaster – same-sex marriage, LGBT openness in the military … didn't happen.”

“They aren't going to make a broad assault [on LGBT rights],” Frank continued. “Since they got [Neil] Gorsuch as a Supreme Court justice, what they plan to do is increase the right of people to say, 'I'm religiously opposed to this' … to recognizing our rights.”

“In their view, they can go beyond participating in a marriage. They can refuse to hire you, et cetera. So that's the scary part, and that's the part we're going to have to fight.”

Frank also criticized claims made by supporters of laws that prohibit transgender people from using the bathroom of their choice. Supporters claim that the laws are needed to keep women and children safe from predators.

“They talk about the terrible things that are going to happen when these men put on dresses just to stalk the bathrooms, and there are no examples of that. You know that if that had been happening, if people had been using the transgender rights issue to be abusive, we'd know it. There are zero examples of anything like that happening,” Frank said.