Professional wrestler Anthony Bowens says in a new interview that he realized he was bisexual in high school.

The 27-year-old Bowens covers this month's issue of LGBT glossy Attitude.

Bowens, who grew up in New Jersey and often wrestlers under the name “Vigilante,” came out publicly in a 2016 video with his boyfriend, YouTube star Michael Pavano.

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Bowens, who won his second title in 2016, defeating Matt Macintosh for the WrestlePro Championship, said that he realized he was attracted to men and women in high school.

"I think it was somewhere in the middle of high school. I was sitting at a table and a couple were walking down the street and I was like ‘Wow that girl’s beautiful.’ Then I noticed that I was also looking to see who she was holding hands with and I was like 'That guy’s kind of attractive too,'” Bowens recalled.

He added that he was surprised at the pushback he received from the gay and straight community.

“I didn't know that there was this big – I wouldn't say 'war' – but discrepancy,” Bowens said. “Which wasn't the point of me coming out.”

“If I was with a woman – or anybody was with a woman – and they married her, and they were with her for the rest of their lives, that doesn’t change the fact that they’re still stimulated by men. That doesn’t make you straight, you’re still bi.”

“If you were to call me gay, I'd be like 'OK.' I'm not going to get pissy over it, you can call me what you like,” he added.