The Edie Windsor documentary To a
More Perfect Union: United States v. Windsor is currently
screening nationwide.
The film chronicles Edie Windsor's
legal battle to have her Canadian marriage to Thea Spyer recognized
by the U.S. federal government.
Director Donna Zaccaro's powerful film
opened on June 7. The
movie's website helps people find a nearby screening.
Spyer died in 2009, two years after the
women married in Canada. Windsor challenged the Defense of Marriage
Act (DOMA), which prohibited the federal government from recognizing
the couple's marriage, after she received a $363,000 estate tax bill
following Spyer's death.
The 2013 Supreme Court ruling that
struck down a key provision of DOMA is also credited with providing
the legal framework for 2015's landmark ruling in Obergefell,
which found that gay couples
have a constitutional right to marry.
film includes interviews with Windsor's attorney Roberta Kaplan,
journalists Frank Rich and Nina Totenberg, marriage equality advocate
Evan Wolfson and Windsor herself.
Windsor died last year. She was 88.