Chloë Grace Moretz, who plays the titular role in the big screen adaptation of Emily Danforth's acclaimed and controversial coming-of-age novel The Miseducation of Cameron Post, has praised the sex scenes in the movie.

Set in 1993, The Miseducation of Cameron Post follows Cameron, a 12-year-old girl who is sent to live with her conservative aunt in Montana after her parents die in a car crash. The aunt sends Cameron to a gay conversion camp after she is caught in an intimate moment with another female teen.

Speaking with LGBT glossy OUT, Moretz, who is best known for playing Hit-Girl in the Kick-Ass movie franchise, said that there was a sweetness to the movie's sex scenes, which she credited to the movie's female director.

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I’ve been doing sex scenes in movies since I was sixteen,” Moretz, 21, said. “A loooooong time. And I’d never been able to do one with a woman directing me. And for the first time, it was really beautiful, because not only was our director female, but our cinematographer was female. And I think you can feel that in the scenes! There’s an intimacy and a sweetness to them. They’re not voyeuristic. It’s not T-and-A. It’s not about showing someone having an orgasm. It’s about the beautiful side of when you are a young gay person, having your first sexual moments are incredibly enlightening: You’re realizing, 'Oh, I’m not crazy, this is a real emotion that I’m feeling.' And we wanted to depict that. We wanted to depict that the relationship between her and Coley was real and fully requited.”

“The sex scenes were something Desi handled really impeccably. It’s because it’s through the female gaze,” she said, referring to out director Desiree Akhavan.

Moretz also said that she was shocked to learn that Vice President Mike Pence supports therapies that attempt to alter the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT people.

“It was a shocking realization that Mike Pence, our new Vice President, not only believes in conversion therapy, but he’s a complete advocate for it,” she said. “He helped funnel money from AIDS funding into conversion therapy. I mean, the depravity is shocking! And they’re taking strides on the Republican side daily to try to strip laws from states that have overturned it. And so suddenly this movie became societally one of the most important movies that’s coming out right now. It needs to be seen.”

The Miseducation of Cameron Post opens in New York on Friday and in Los Angeles on August 10.