GLAAD will honor Alyssa Milano with its inaugural Ariadne Getty Ally Award at the group's 2018 GLAAD Gala San Francisco on September 15.

According to GLAAD, its upcoming event “celebrates and features storytellers and tech innovators who accelerate LGBTQ acceptance and helps fund GLAAD's digital advocacy work to grow LGBTQ inclusion in digital and social media.”

The 45-year-old Milano is best known for her roles on Who's the Boss?, Melrose Place and Charmed. She currently appears in Netflix's Insatiable.

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Milano's LGBT activism includes a late 80s appearance on The Phil Donahue Show with Ryan White, a student ostracized by his classmates for having AIDS. During the show, Milano kissed White to show that the disease could not be contracted through casual contact. In 2004, Milano helped raise roughly $50,000 for South African women and children who tested positive for HIV, the virus that without medical intervention leads to AIDS. She is also a vocal supporter of marriage equality and transgender rights. Most recently, Milano released a video in which she spoke out against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Milano warned viewers that Kavanaugh was a threat to LGBT and women's rights.

The annual event will be hosted by Leslie Jordan, who is best known for his appearances on Will & Grace and Sordid Lives.