In an interview with LGBT glossy The Advocate, Dan Levy, the out co-creator, executive director and writer of Schitt's Creek, said that he won't show homophobia on his show.

In Pop TV's Schitt's Creek, now in its fifth season, Levy's character, David Rose, is pansexual and in a relationship with Patrick (played by Noah Reid). David and his family are forced to live in a rundown motel in small town Schitt's Creek after the family is left penniless.

Levy said that the decision not to show a backlash from townsfolk to David's sexuality was a “silent form of protest.”

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“A lot of queer relationships on television and in films are met with extreme tragedy,” Levy said. “The amount of response I got from the third season of our show where we first introduced the character of Patrick was like, ‘I really hope nothing bad happens to them.’ It was a very conscious effort on my part to not have that happen. In fact, it’s been a conscious effort to not ever show the other side on our television program. I have made a very strong point to not ever show bigotry, homophobia, or intolerance on our show because to me, it’s a celebration of love. At the root of it, [Schitt’s Creek] is a celebration of love between the family and between the relationships that we build.”

Levy added that by making his character's sexuality a non-issue, Schitt's Creek is helping change hearts and minds.

“People in the queer community have always sort of existed in a rather fluid world,” he said. “To not have to define yourself or categorize yourself, I think, is beneficial to everyone. I think the more we can understand that people just exist and that as long as we’re doing good in this world, we don’t need to bother or worry about defining or classifying people, the sooner we’ll be in a better place.”