A Christian group opposed to LGBT rights said this week that Facebook had removed its petition in response to a gay male couple being featured on the cover of Parents magazine.

Married couple Shaun T. and Scott Blokker and their one-year-old twins cover the February issue of Parents, making them the first same-sex couple to appear on the magazine's cover in its nearly 100-year history.

One Million Moms condemned the magazine's decision to feature the couple on its cover, saying that it was promoting a “pro-homosexual lifestyle,” and launched a petition against Parents.

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“Facebook is trying to silence One Million Moms!” Monica Cole, the group's leader, said in an email to supporters. “Social media is a free resource we use to let our voice be heard and share our message, but Facebook is now censoring 1MM and Christian voices.”

Cole said that the group has appealed Facebook's decision to remove its petition.

“1MM can no longer rely on Facebook and other social media outlets to share our warnings and messages with others,” Cole added.

One Million Moms is affiliated with the American Family Association (AFA), which the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group for its opposition to LGBT rights.