The Irish government is preparing to introduce a bill that bans therapies that attempt to alter the sexual orientation or gender identity of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

Such therapies go by names such as “conversion therapy,” “reparative therapy,” “sexual orientation change efforts” or “ex-gay therapy.”

The Irish Mirror quoted Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth Minister Roderic O'Gorman, who is openly gay, as saying that he plans to pursue the legislation in 2023.

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“I'd hope to bring the legislation into the Dail [the lower house of the Irish Parliament] next year,” O'Gorman said. “Obviously, legislation takes time but I think it's possible we could have it passed by the end of the year. That's certainly what I'd be working towards, but it could drift into 2024.”

O'Gorman previously described conversion therapy as a “cruel process rooted in the promotion of shame.”

“[It] is extremely exploitative, particularly if undertaken on someone under 18,” he said.

In the United States, such bans mostly only involve minors. It is unclear whether the Irish government will introduce a bill that also includes adults.