A jury in London on Wednesday acquitted actor Kevin Spacey of sexual assault charges.

One man accused Spacey of performing oral sex on him after he fell asleep or passed out in Spacey's apartment in London. The aspiring actor said that he was seeking career advice from Spacey.

Three men said that Spacey had groped their crotches.

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A string of accusations against Spacey were unleashed after Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp in 2017 accused him of sexual misconduct when the two actors were working on Broadway and Rapp was 14. In response, Spacey, for the first time publicly, announced that he is gay.

Last year, Spacey beat the $40 million lawsuit brought by Rapp. Other allegations in Massachusetts and California never reached a courtroom.

Speaking with reporters after the verdict was announced, Spacey thanked the jury for “taking the time to examine all of the evidence and all of the facts carefully before they reached their decision.”

In the six years since the allegations surfaced, Spacey has barely worked as an actor. He was fired from his starring role in the Netflix drama House of Cards, and he was replaced by Christopher Plummer in the 2017 film All the Money in the World.

Mark Stephens, a London media lawyer, told the AP that Spacey can now resume his career “without a stain on his character” and that he's likely to be “snapped up by Hollywood producers desperate to get on and make new movies.”