Five Iowa state representatives on Thursday filed resolutions to impeach the remaining four Iowa Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of gay marriage, Des Moines ABC affiliate WOI-DT reported.

Separate resolutions were filed for Chief Justice Mark Cady and Justices Daryl Hecht, Brent Appel and David Wiggins.

The judges violated the Iowa Constitution's separation of powers clause by acting in a role reserved for legislators, the resolutions say. The measures are backed by Republican Representatives Tom Shaw, Glen Massie, Kim Pearson, Dwayne Alons and Betty DeBoef.

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“Marriage is between one man and one woman and they just up and tried to change the definition of a word and you just can't do that,” Shaw told Radio Iowa. “Justices don't have the authority to change the meanings of words.”

“In the constitution, Article III, Section 1, clearly states, 'One department can't do the job of another department,' and I believe, and my colleagues believe, that's what they did in their ruling,” he added.

“The threat by five legislators to impeach the State Supreme Court Justices is not only a sad attempt to misuse the impeachment process for political gain, but completely out of touch with Iowans,” said the group Justice Not Politics in a statement.

The group noted that two polls found a majority of Iowa voters oppose the idea.

“We are confident legislators and Iowans will reject this ridiculous effort by a small, but loud minority to placate their extreme agenda to inject politics and discrimination into our court system.”

The action comes after voters on November 2 ousted three of the seven judges whose unanimous 2009 ruling brought gay marriage to the Midwest.

Impeachment would require the assistance of the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal has previously blocked Republican-led efforts to overturn the law.